Places to go in Lancaster, PA
Conestoga Gardens
Lancaster, Pennsylvania’s Conestoga Gardens/Conestoga Woods is an urban neighborhood (based on population density). Conestoga Gardens / Conestoga Woods real estate consists mostly of single-family houses and townhomes ranging in size from medium (three or four bedrooms) to small (studio to two bedrooms). The majority of residential properties are occupied by a combination of owners and tenants. Many of the homes in the Conestoga Gardens/Conestoga Woods area were constructed between 1940 and 1969 and are older and well-established. A few houses were also constructed before 1940. Many individuals fantasize about living in a row house or other connected property on a street lined with them(resembling the San Francisco of the east coast!). Such sites are frequently endowed with a great deal of allure. If you’re one of these folks, the Conestoga Gardens/Conestoga Woods area could be the perfect place. With 30.4 percent of the homes and real estate in this community categorized as row houses or other attached residences, there are plenty of options for you to locate the perfect home. Only 3.2 percent of American communities have more row houses than this one, making it one of the most intriguing aspects of this unique community. The Conestoga Gardens/Conestoga Woods area in Lancaster is a moderate-income community with middle-income neighbors. People in this neighborhood speak a variety of languages. These are the languages that individuals prefer to speak with their family when they are at home. English is the most commonly spoken language in the area. Spanish and Vietnamese are two more prominent languages spoken here. Residents of Lancaster, PA’s Conestoga Gardens/Conestoga Woods area most typically identify as of German ethnicity or heritage. There are also a lot of individuals of Puerto Rican ancestry, Irish ancestry, and some persons with South American heritage, as well as some Asian ancestry residents. The majority of Conestoga Woods residents commute less than 15 minutes one way each day. It’s much better, and a lovely location to live, because it’s a beautiful town to walk about in. Conestoga Gardens/Conestoga Woods is home to the Holly Pointe Nature Preserve. Holly Pointe is managed for the highest and best utilization of its ecosystem. Native and non-native plant species coexist in a typical suburban floodplain. The ground cover is dominated by stinging nettle and other invasive plants, with tulip poplar and hackberry canopy, spicebush understory, and stinging nettle and other invasive species dominating the ground cover.
The Conestoga River drains into the Susquehanna River immediately behind the Safe Harbor Dam, and Holly Pointe looks out over it. Lancaster County Youth Intervention Center, Reservoir Park, and St. Anthony’s Cemetery are nearby.
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